As I get older, I find joy and meaning in reflecting on my life and most importantly the experiences, people or institutions that have significantly defined it. For me - as well as for others I am sure - the Wake Forest experience had a profound impact on my development as a young adult. This occurred right at an inflection point in my life that was both personal and professional in nature. There can be no denying its positive effect on the person I chose to be and on the trajectory of my life.
I believe it is important to help preserve deserving institutions so that future generations may enjoy them and benefit from them. Planned gifts are literally the ultimate (i.e. last) expression of gratitude for those you appreciate, and for me, Wake Forest is among those institutions.
Wake Forest's growth from a regional to a national institution has been exciting to watch and seldom if ever duplicated by any university in the past 30 years. This sort of transformation, achieved while maintaining the culture and core values, doesn't result simply with statements of purpose and aspiration. It requires clear and resolute commitments from those who hold those values dear.
My conviction to support the University with a planned gift has been strengthened over the years by other factors. I was lucky enough to a have all three of my children graduate from Wake Forest. This has served as a great source of pride. It has provided a terrific bond of shared experiences and values.
As we all know, at the end of the day, you cannot take your capital or your successes with you. I urge all my classmates in particular to consider a planned gift because of its lasting and profound impact on an institution that is so well deserving.